Prayer can change the world! Let us pray for yours!

At Kinport we believe in living the Book of Acts and that includes believing in signs and wonders through the power of Jesus. 

If you need prayer, please let us know. You can email to submit a prayer request. Additionally, the church building is open for an hour of prayer every Thursday at noon. 

Talk to Someone!
Take the time to speak or meet with one of our pastors to listen and give you counsel.

Do you need someone to talk to? Sometimes we underestimate the ability to just have someone to talk to and share our thoughts and feelings with. Sometimes we just need someone to listen to us and give us a chance to vent. And sometimes we need counsel and help to understand what our next steps are. 

Let us help you! One of our pastors would be blessed and honored to speak with you and help you in any way possible. 

Receive Assistance!
Are there practical needs you're struggling to meet?

We understand there are times when we're not making ends meet financially or with food or resources, and we want to do the best we can to help. We have a food pantry table at our church available for everyone and anyone to take what they need. Additionally, we can assist with bill-pays and groceries when needed*. 

*Assisting financially requires you to call our office at 814-743-5532 and fill out a request form. Our ability to meet these types of needs will depend on several factors.