The Kinport Kids Ministry is designed to invest in the spiritual growth and development of all children ages birth through 5th Grade (or 11 years old). Our Sunday Kids Ministry Service begins at 10:30, just like our adult service. Children are securely checked in by a parent and stay in the kids ministry space until an authorized parent returns to pick them up following service. 

On Sunday mornings children also have the opportunity to attend Sunday School classes at 9:30 AM for all ages, focusing on solid biblical teaching and hands-on learning. Sunday School classes take place in the Kinport Assembly classrooms.

At 10:15 AM check-in begins for all Kinport Kids at our check-in desk in the classroom hallway. Children will attend Kinport Kids Jr. if they are birth through Kindergarten with specialized music, prayer, and instruction specially designed for their age group. Kinport Kids Elementary service, which takes place in our Kids Ministry Classroom, is for all children in 1st through 5th grades. Kids have the opportunity to worship, pray, read and hear the word of God, study memory verses, have biblical discussions, play games to build teamwork and relationships, and more! Our teachers in both age groups use resources from the Bible Engagement Project to ensure a solid biblical framework, building a foundation of faith deeply rooted in scripture. 

Your child is welcome to bring their bible, but we have children's bibles (NLT) in our classrooms available for free use as well! 

Are you concerned about your child's ability to participate with Kinport Kids regarding allergies, learning abilities, communication, or more? Please ask for Pastor Cece at the Kid's Check-in desk anytime so that we can talk about developing a plan to make sure ALL children can safely join in learning the word of God!